Provides Communication Structure
Strengthens Networks
Increases Productivity
Enhances Connect-ability
Distributed Antenna Systems make up for shortcomings in wireless signal. A DAS can be used to overcome thick concrete walls or high occupancy in places like event venues and stadiums.
In addition to setting up wired networks, LVC can also set your organization up with a powerful wireless network. Just like wired networks, these systems can integrate a variety of products.
LVC offers every accessory you need to keep your network’s infrastructure running like a well oiled machine. Expand it to every corner of your space and ensure everyone’s connectivity.
LVC can help build the backbone of your voice and data network and the low voltage technology systems that run on it. The health and functionality of your voice and data networks depend on the wire supplying them.
Risers control the cable in a building. The wiring can quickly become messy, but we will organize and optimize it. Well organized risers make building upgrades and expansion much easier.